

I figured I should write some sort of introduction to this blog just to give everyone and idea of what it's going to be about, and also to introduce myself to anyone who doesn't know me already (although given who is going to read this it's probably unnecessary).

Starting from the beginning, my name is Darren (going under the name Teku online) and I am currently living in Japan working as a translator/proofreader, and in my free time (among other things) I love to do contact juggling. Recently in order to keep juggling interesting for myself I have been trying to figure out new directions to take my contact, either by taking ideas from other styles of juggling and trying to find an equivalent (such as taking a toss idea and doing it on my body via rolls), or by using other props/things to create new routines/tricks that would not otherwise be possible (such as rolling balls on rings etc).

The idea for this blog is to explain some of the ideas I have tried exploring, and to pick up some new topics to write about in the hope that it can generate some new ideas and lead somewhere interesting for me and maybe other people too (regardless of the type of juggling you do). I figured there's not really much space to rant on about these things on a forum without annoying everyone, and I don't particularly want to speak in front of a camera for Youtube to get the point across either, so this blog is here for anyone interested to share ideas and hopefully get something out of the mish mash on nonsense that's likely to follow. I figure if even one person gets something out of a single post it's a worthwhile task, right?

I plan to write everything in both English and Japanese in separate blogs (There is a link on the right to the Japanese blog). By doing this it gives me a chance to practice my writing for a change and also share ideas with Japanese friends who may not understand the English. I should say I'm not really much of a writer, so don't expect any wonderful beautifully written articles or anything like that. If the point gets across that's good enough for me!

Anyway, I'll most likely start off on finger stall/dipod stalls as it is something I've put a lot of time into up to now. Hopefully you'll find it useful!

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